In 1987 exploration program of the veins and a zone of disseminated mineralization by an Australian company, the Genoa Group, supervised by a well-known consulting firm, Robertson Research Minerals Ltd., completed 3,800 meters of diamond drilling. In 1988, Minproc Engineers Pty. Ltd., an Australian consulting firm, evaluated the historical mining data and the 1987 drill program data, concluded that
a) in A-vein the measured, indicated and inferred reserves/resources amount to 174,000 tonnes grading at 13 g/t Au;
b) the potential resource in the A and B veins, down to a depth of 200 meters, is estimated to be 434,000 tonnes at 13 g/t; and
c) in the zone of near surface disseminated mineralization (gossan), indicated resource is 214,000 tonnes grading 2.46 g/t Au and the potential resource is 5 to 10 million tonnes of unknown grade.